Saturday, 11 February 2012

Photoshop workshop 2

In this workshop we brushed up our skills on the following-
  • Curves- RGB
  • Channels- showing dark and light areas within an image
  • Levels
  • Colour wheel
  • Masks
  • Adjustments
Here are some of the notes I took during the session...
  • Levels
  1. Histogram- changing ranges of brightness
  2. 0= dark areas within a photograph, 25= light areas
  3. Hold ALT key shows areas which are starting to be blown out when moving the sliders
  4. Middle slider effects middle tones within the image

  • Curves
  1. Changing colour/ tones
  2. The steeper the graph the more contrast
  3. S curve is common
  4. Bottom left of graph shows dark areas
  5. Bottom right of graph shows light areas
  6. S curve is helpful in making one are darker and the other lighter
  7. If an image is colour can alter the tones with the image

  • Masking
  1. Used to modify selections afterwards
  2. black and white image
  3. Grey is a degree of transparency
  4. If making selection add mask
  5. Not able to mask if layer is background layer, so if double click on layer it will copy
  6. Alt and click on mask to view
  7. Command T= transform
  8. Use paint tool to add black which will remove parts from selection or white to add parts
  9. Change opacity if needed
  10. X key to switch from black to white or vice versa

  • Adjustment layers
  1. Making parts of the selection suitable for other in tone and colour
  2. Layers can be turned off so not destructive
  3. Effects layers below only
  4. Can have mask to add shadow or highlights
  5. Fill layer= Edit- Fill- choose colour
  • Colour wheel
  1. Blue opposite to yellow
  2. Green opposite to Magenta
  3. Red opposite to Cyen

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